All crew reported back aboard.  The last of the stores are stowed and the weather is looking like it may be a bit kinder to us this time.

Our aim? To get to Kilda under sail and as of the forecast this morning I think we will make it this time.  The ship will  anchor overnight in Tobermory before heading off towards Castlebay on Barra.  The plan seems to be at the moment, a morning in Barra before heading off early afternoon the 68NM to St Kilda.  The window is short, Tuesday and early Wednesday before the weather starts to turn against our favour again.

This year it seems that few of the charter vessels here have managed many voyages out here as the weather has been so dreadful. Never mind, the beauty of Scotland is that is is fantastic in amy weather and always a sheltered haven to hide in.

Photos from Hirta I hope later in the week.4a2ba0_e3b3fd1a2eca4bc0b158102f78be16ec.jpg_srz_980_496_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz